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I have added several paragraphs about RF anechoic chambers as opposed to acoustic ones and I have not as yet deleted anything. I think it improves the article but it could do with a tidy up, or perhaps it might be worth splitting it into the two different types. If nobody else does I'll get back to it in a few weeks. I think some clarification is needed about the acoustic and RF wavelengths. It is true that a typical audio frequency of 500Hz acoustic wavelength 0. 7 m is very different from 500 Hz electromagnetic 600 km but I don't think many RF tests are done as low as 500 Hz.

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" Do not mentally cut off the other person. Do not reload although she or he is speaking. What this suggests is that you simply need to have to focus on the other person 100% throughout a conversation. Anything less is regarded as rude. Stay "in the moment. " Do not mentally cut off the other person. Do not reload although she or he is speaking. What this suggests is that you simply need to have to focus on the other person 100% throughout a conversation. Anything less is regarded as rude. The complex factor about life is that it is wonderfully total of distractions. Right here you might be, focused on some purpose or aim after which this incredibly intrusive factor occurs.

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"Page 478 U. S. 73261 Cong. Rec. 987 1921. The ultimate design was to "give the legislative branch of the Government control of the audit not through the power of appointment, but through the power of removal. " 58 Cong. Rec. 7211 1919 Rep. Temple. "The statute does not permit anyone to remove the Comptroller at will; removal is permitted only for specified cause, with the existence of cause to be determined by Congress following a hearing.

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