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I saw at once that this would not do for the weak state in which my horses were, and I therefore returned to where I had left the party, resolving to recross the continent to the City of Adelaide. I now had an open place cleared, and selecting one of the tallest trees, stripped it of its lower branches, and on its highest branch fixed my flag, the Union Jack, with my name sewn in the centre of it. When this was completed, the party gave three cheers, and Mr. Kekwick then addressed me, congratulating me on having completed this great and important undertaking, to which I replied. Mr. Waterhouse also spoke a few words on the same subject, and concluded with three cheers for the Queen and three for the Prince of Wales. At one foot south from the foot of the tree is buried, about eight inches below the ground, an air tight tin case, in which is a paper with the following notice:The exploring party, under the command of John McDouall Stuart, arrived at this spot on the 25th day of July, 1862, having crossed the entire Continent of Australia from the Southern to the Indian Ocean, passing through the centre. They left the City of Adelaide on the 26th day of October, 1861, and the most northern station of the Colony on 21st day of January, 1862. To commemorate this happy event, they have raised this flag bearing his name. All well. God save the Queen!As this bay has not been named, I have taken this opportunity of naming it Chambers Bay, in honour of Miss Chambers, who kindly presented me with the flag which I have planted this day, and I hope this may be the first sign of the dawn of approaching civilization.

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Is there an example of one that incorporates the exact standards they have to address, rather than picking out a PBL and Then seeing what standards they can pull out of it?I cant do Nature of Science all year, lol. Hi Shelley,I struggle with this as well. I feel that we barely have enough time as it is to teach what standards are required of us. I feel it would be hard to incorporate the PBL aspect of it as well. Hi!I am a student of Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. Im really interested in project based learning and am currently writing a paper on it. I was wondering if any teachers that use PBL would like to do an interview via email. I have the statistics and research but Id really like to know more. Also I really liked this article, it had so much information that would help my paper as well. Thanks!Hi Jeniffer!I work for Cult of Pedagogyso happy that this article will help!While we do have people leave comments on the site every day, you may have better luck on Twitter finding teachers to help out. pbl and projecbasedlearning are really active hashtags.

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May he rest in peace. Jim | 05 April 2013Thank you, Andy for a masterly analysis of Adrian's genius. He will be missed by all who engaged with him. David Strong | 08 April 2013I loved the final paragraph. But should you not have said, somewhere, that he was a Jesuit?May God rest him. Frank | 08 April 2013How lovely to read of a truly intelligent and unassuming man who was able to use his personality strengths so gently and empathetically.

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