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In all these advertisements only the name, title or profession, office hours, office and residence address, and contact numbers should appear. Advertising and publishing personal superiority, possession of special certificates or diplomas, postgraduate training abroad, specific methods of treatment or operative techniques or advertising former connection with hospitals or clinics are likewise unethical. 4. 1 A practitioner must place in legible form, on any letterhead of the practitioners practice, the name under which the practitioner practices; the address of the practitioners principal place of practice; the practitioners telephone number and, if appropriate, any facsimile transmission center, any web address and any email address. 4. 2 A practitioner must, in any written communications with client/patients or other parties, identify the author by name.
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Did the pigs suddenly mean to exclude the birds from the good, four legged animals?No. The pigs explained that by two legs, they meant man, and by four legs, they meant animal regardless of whether the animals had four legs, or two legs and two wings. The skeptic must admit the fact that numbers often represent something more than a literal number. But if this is the explanation to Moses use of the term four in Leviticus 11:20 23, then what did he mean?Why did he use the expression winged creeping things that go upon all fours Leviticus 11:20, ASV, emp. added?The fact is, he did not define the expression for us though his contemporaries surely knew its meaning. The phrase likely means that, in contrast to birds listed just previouslyLeviticus 11:13 19, which walk upright, winged creeping things walk horizontallythey go upon all fours.
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Unfortunately I didn 39 t have a pump spray so I used an empty spray bottle. The etching of the aluminum removes contaminants by removal of the substrate under the Next remove the grill and cover from the air conditioner again setting aside any screws you remove. After you ve taken care of the outside move on to the below instructions on how to clean a window air conditioner filter coils and coil fins. air conditioner blind car blinds and works To clean the inside of the condenser coil and make sure that it is free of obstruction it will require the skills and equipment of a professional. Air conditioning systems are cold and wet and make great breeding grounds for bacteria and mold and adding a nasty odor to the air coming out of the vents. Then pour a cup of 50 bleach 50 water down the drain. Extra Gift Each air conditioner cleaning toolset also comes with a blinds brush with two brush heads. Jun 26 2017 AC coil cleaning what all the fuss is about. 4. Many commercial cleansers remove dirt and grime from tile and grout but these products often contain caustic ingredients and may b Save your window from streaks and still save a little money with a homemade window cleaner to rival any store bought variety. Clean the coils.
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62 Een van die vernaamste doelwitte bly egter om n skikkingsooreenkoms te bewerkstellig. Indien die partye besluit om te skik, sal die beoordelaar as bemiddelaar by die skikkingsverrigtinge optree. Indien die partye egter nie wil skik nie, moet die beoordelaar n skedule opstel vir die blootlegging van relevante dokumente en inligting, of moet die beoordelaar die partye adviseer oor die aansoeke wat hulle kan indien. Voorkomende geskilbeslegting is nie uit en uit n Amerikaanse begrip nie. Voorkomende geskilbeslegting kom ook byvoorbeeld in Afrika voor. Die doel van hierdie deel van die bespreking is dus om te ondersoek hoe konflik tradisioneel in Afrika gemeenskappe hanteer word en om die Suid Afrikaanse geskilbeslegtingsmetodes binne die Afrika konteks te beoordeel. Tradisionele regsmeganismes is algemeen in Afrika gemeenskappe, veral in landelike gebiede. Toegang tot howe is veral problematies in landelike gebiede, omdat howe en regshulpstrukture meesal in stedelike gebiede voorkom. 63In Afrika gemeenskappe word regte dikwels in n groepsverband uitgeoefen, met familielede wat saamwerk ten einde familiehulpbronne/ bates te benut en familiebelange te beskerm. 64 Insgelyks raak huweliksluiting beide gesinne en nie net die betrokke gades nie. 65 Indien n vrou n probleem in haar huwelik ervaar, moet sy tradisioneel haar gade se familie eerste raadpleeg voor sy haar na haar eie manlike familielede kan wend.
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But I saw the below post by Amrutash few hours ago, and it nicely explains why Ravi Shankar might sound rude and demeaning, but is probably saying the truth. I have described in some detail Malalas achievements till she won the award, in the counter view section below, but let me offer a quick summary here. Between the age of 11 and 15 she kept speaking up against Talibans ban on girls going to schools and other such restrictions in Swat Valley of Pakistan her home. She started appearing on TV as a child activist and wrote blogs about the issue regularly. Her activism made her famous enough to get nominated for the 2011 Childrens Peace Prize and the winner of Pakistans National Youth Peace Prize the same year she was just 14 years old then. And then of course, as we all know, she got shot by Taliban for her activism and rising name which she not only miraculously survived but resumed schooling in UK though, not in Pakistan and started speaking about her personal story at even bigger and global platforms helped by extensive media coverage. She even wrote and published her autobiography and within a year of her recovery, won the the Nobel Peace prize. She was just 17 and the youngest recipient ever. But compare her efforts to her co winner as Amrutash suggests in his Facebook post. Kailash Satyarthi founded Bachpan Bachao Andolan Save Childhood Movement in 1980 as the first peoples movement for social justice, equity, education and peace for all children in India. In the last 35 years his efforts have resulted in the rescue of over 83,000 children and adults from child labour, trafficking and other exploitative situations in India.